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Mulitimedia Work 

I've in a little bit dabbled of everything from graphic design, photography, editing, theme development & more. I love the creative side of the business and have a passion for creating clean, aesthetically pleasing designs.


This is intended to be a tri-fold brochure. I created this based on Zeta Tau Alpha's national website as well as the website for our local chapter. This was an assignment for my PR 325: Intermediate Social Media and Public Relations Techniques class. 


My senior year of high school I served as our yearbook's Editor-in-Chief. Although these examples are old, I love to include them because I built them from the ground-up. I developed the theme for the book "A Deeper Look", chose the fonts and colors, and created all of the templates and graphics. For these spreads, I took all of the photos, interviewed students, and wrote the copy myself. Our book was given the honor rating of First Class by the National Scholastic Press Association and a Silver Award with a commendation in writing by the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association. Individually, I received an honorable mention from MIPA for the following categories: feature writing, sports reporting, headline writing, caption writing, and for my sports spreads.


Part of my role in ZTA involved planning Bid Day, a celebratory recruitment event for all new and current members of my sorority. I worked on developing a theme and presented it to the chapter through this slideshow. It includes the Bid Day banner design on the first slide, t-shirt designs on the next, followed by concept boards. This helped everyone get an idea of what kind of decor and outfits we were visualizing. To see how the event turned out, click here. (Spoiler: It rained on my parade!)


Parade is an underwear brand created with comfort and inclusivity in mind. They partner with micro-influencers to promote their brand on social media platforms such as Instagram. Parade contacted me and asked if I would be willing to create content to advertise their new collection. This is the post I created for Parade on my Instagram. It was during quarantine, so I had to shoot it all myself in my bedroom.


The following are some examples of my favorite pictures I've taken. My favorite subject to shoot is people, I love to capture emotion in photographs. The first photo was selected to be featured on Herff Jone's inDesign homepage. We were also awarded third place in the divider spread category featuring the photo of the school walkout by MIPA. 

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